Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sitting Leg Diamonds

Why do this?

This stretch relaxes the hip joints. Smoother, freer riding will be the result because your joints will be looser.

What it does for me:

I am a big admirer of riders whose legs look like fluffy blankets on the side of their horses. Mine will never look like that but they are getting better as a result of this stretch. Looser hip joints allow my legs to be more elastic and less gripping in the saddle.

Sitting position on the floor. No shoes.

Breathe - inhale through your breastbone and exhale through the bottom of your shoulders.

Encourage a neutral, not arched or bent over, spine.

Lock your pelvis by pulling your belly button towards your spine.

Go for a symmetrical range of motion.

Do not force this stretch.

Bend your knees and bring the bottoms of your feet together with your hands by sliding your heels towards your trunk.
Hold your feet at the ankles with your hands.
Your knees will drop down towards the floor by themselves without force.
Maintain a neutral, not arched or bent over, spine throughout the stretch.
Stay in position for 30 - 60 seconds.

Progressive Variation

Once you have been consistently doing the Sitting Leg Diamonds for at least a month every day,
Work on coming up and over your hips while keeping your spine neutral and your back straight.
Remember to maintain the open rotation of your hips as you come up and over them.
Stay in position for 30 - 60 seconds.

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